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Savraj Sidhu
Genre Gospel
City Chandigarh
Country India

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Rev Dr. Savraj Masih Sidhu is a singer, lyricist and composer. He has released many albums like “Patras Da Kisaa”, “ Masihi Parwane” ,”Zindgi Mil Gayi”, “Teri Sanna” that have been liked by people around the globe.
He is from Chandigarh, India and is founder chairman of "SAHAYAK FELLOWSHIP CHURCH", a registered church society, working since 1990.
Rev Sidhu has released 13 audio & 7 video albums . He released "Kissa Raja Daud" a 72 minutes audio project in 2007.
Till date he has a recorded & released about 72 worship songs for the glory of Lord Jesus.
Albums (2)
Songs (10)

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